Closure Request for River St

Update 12/22: In response to community feedback regarding closing River St we have made some changes to our plans. We have asked the powers that be to help rebuild River St to meet modern safety standards and move it to the west of its connection point on Blue River Dr on our property. (Likely keeping the connection point on the highway.) Read the news post here

If you read our Future Plans post, you’ll know some of the challenges we are facing as we try to rebuild something back on our property. The closure of River St is important to that effort.

Safety Issues started the idea to explore the closing the road to through traffic:

Before the fire and the challenges of rebuilding – and before building anything near River Street was an option we struggled with people speeding down River St.

About a year before the fire, one of my closest friend’s daughter was almost ran over by a careless driver on River St.

This isn’t the only time when a driver almost ran over children, adults and/or pets by our place. I have never lived anywhere where there were so many near misses in a short period of time.

If you have driven on it, you know it’s narrow. If you live nearby, you know we have had an issue with local drivers speeding through town at crazy speeds – the sheriff has been called many times with no resolution. We put up “Caution Children” signs. Nothing seemed to help.

As River St crosses Blue River Dr and turns into Blue River St as it leads up to Blue River reservoir, there have been many issues we people partying at the lake.

Drunk Driver nearly kills himself and his child

June of last year, one of the campers/partiers came flying down the road, flew over Blue River Dr and landed like this next to the Historic Ranger home and took out a power line. The driver, exceedingly drunk fortunately did not seriously hurt anyone – including his toddler which he at least had the sense enough to buckle him in (you can see the toddler seat in the photo).

The downed power pole provided structural support for the power line serving all the homes on Blue River Rd.

We have had to chase off many homeless people camping on River St, our property and along the river trail – all who gained access from River St.

The road is single car wide and never fully 2 car wide. The road is deteriorating and is not maintained by the county or the state. They will not fix it.

  • Street is too narrow
    • Much of the street is wide enough for 1 way traffic only
    • At least 50% of the road is only 11’ wide (one car)
  • Street is not maintained
    • Street shows signs of needing expensive repairs in one or two locations
    • Pot holes exist in the road
    • Visibility is impared – causing safety hazards

Fixing the road to be up to current safety standards, or even just wide enough for 2 cars, is very expensive and not something I can afford.

History of the Road

The road was created as a feeder road to the homesteads of Cascade Park before the highway was moved. Originally it only served the people on River St. connecting to the original McKenzie River Hwy (now Blue River Dr.) This served approximately only 10-12 homesites. The yellow and green areas on the map highlight the original road that connected these homes to the old McKenzie Highway. This was originally created somewhere around 1900’s (over 100 years ago). When most people were using horses and wagons.

Highlighted yellow area is requested road closure.

It was never intended, designed or built to be a main access point to the highway for the larger community. It’s not wide enough and the excessive use of the road by the community as a major feeder road is unfair to this who live on the property on this section of the road – especially as the community does not help pay to maintain the road.

According to state laws, as a single lane road, it is not safe to be used as a community wide connector to the highway.

There are still multiple access points to the highway without using River St.

It takes less than a minute longer to take Blue River Dr to get to the highway and it is a wide and much safer street. It is maintained by the State.

River St. is not maintained. No one who drives on this section of River St contributes to its upkeep, repair or improvements.

Any parent with children or grandchildren share our our concerns for the safety of our loved ones.

After the Fire

As we explored options for rebuilding, trying to find options that would be most suitable for the community and financially make sense, it became clear that closing the road gave us a few more viable options for moving forward. Read our Future Plans page for more info.

Access to the River Path

We are committed to keeping the river path open and accessible

Access to the trail will still be available at either end. They just will not be able to drive through River st.

That said – We would like to see the community come together and find an option for maintaining the River Path.

I’ve personally had to dismantle homeless campsites filled with garbage and drug paraphernalia – the entire time worried I might get jabbed with a used needle.

I can’t tell you how many times I have had to pick up the garbage left on the community path or paid someone to do to make sure it got done. If this is going to be a community treasure, the community needs to find a way to maintain it and not put the burden on its only neighbor.

Closing the road may:

  • make it harder for homeless people to park RVs there
  • Remove some party traffic from Blue River RD (going the dam)
  • eliminate people being able to speed through our property.

Placing a new feeder road on our property that meets current safety code and is maintained by the county or state is an option. If the community would like to explore that option we will be happy to help make this happen.

Inconvenience to our Neighbors

We know that some of you have found this road quite convenient for entering and leaving town. We regret any inconvenience that closing the road may cause you.

I hope you understand that the challenges for us with River St and it is, is not manageable.

Fortunately there are at least 2 other access points into town and your home that are safer.

I greatly appreciate you respecting the challenges we face and the burden this road has had on us.

Please support our request to close River St to through access.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Chris LaVoie

Update 12/22: In response to community feedback regarding closing River St we have made some changes to our plans. We have asked the powers that be to help rebuild River St to meet modern safety standards and move it to the west of its connection point on Blue River Dr on our property. (Likely keeping the connection point on the highway.) Read the news post here

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Mckenzie River Mountain Resort

51668 Blue River Dr.

Blue River, OR 97413




Mckenzie River Mountain Resort